How Companies Can Encourage Remote Employees to Volunteer

by Nina Post

There are a few truths about big companies:

1. Their people avoid risk like I avoid children and their sticky, E. coli-coated hands.

2. They hire people who have done the exact thing they're hiring for. This may seem obvious, but it's very narrowly defined.

3. The people at the company tend to act in a way that is contradictory to the company's stated values or principles.

4. They have a negative view of volunteering. You can usually assume that any lip service they give to being involved in the community is utterly false, because they really tend to be hostile toward it. If you have five children, they're not at all concerned how that could affect your productivity or dedication to work, but if you volunteer in the community, you might as well be taking trips into space on a highly experimental rocket or going on ayahuasca-fueled walkabouts in the desert. Having children is a federally-protected class; volunteering is not. At many companies, volunteering may be contemplated through some program or another, but not actually encouraged.

What I've been seeing with a number of growth companies, though, is that their values aren't a total joke; they seem to have successfully built a culture around it. All of these companies have a distributed workforce, and one of the upsides of this approach is that people have more flexibility to optimize around what's important to them and the company. Some examples of companies like this are Buffer, Zapier, YNAB, and Baremetrics, to name a few.

I think that most people who truly like being a remote worker have more intrinsic motivation and a stronger productivity system. We work hard, but we like some flexibility. If one of the things that's important to you is volunteering, I don't think a growth company similar to the ones I mentioned above would hold that against you.

And there are a lot of different ways to volunteer, including opportunities that don't require in-person involvement (like hamster-juggling at a home for retired professional tap dancers), and can take advantage of your unique skill set, whether that's accounting, marketing, writing, etc.

The best way to make sure that you support employees who volunteer is to encourage managers to do the same thing themselves, or tie some portion of managers' compensation to the volunteer engagements of their direct reports.

It's more important these days that a company stand for something, especially if you're trying to attract Millennials.

Transparency is also crucial; it's about emphasizing that your company believes in both the organization and the employees giving back to the community, and encourages and celebrates that activity.

One example of a volunteer program at a growth company with a distributed workforce is the Buffer Volunteers Program.

Just the fact that Buffer has a program and comes out to say that it's an important thing is great, but it looks like they're building a really beneficial program, though they say it hasn't been used much yet. In the broader corporate world, most managers view volunteering as something that takes away from productive time at the company, even if you're doing it outside work hours.  

Another really good way for a company to foster volunteering is for the company to actually sponsor a volunteer program (this was one of the things that Buffer discussed). According to the Cone Cause Evolution Study (PDF), three out of four employees want to get involved with their company’s cause-related effort through company-sponsored days of service.

Employees wouldn't be required to participate (as in Buffer's program), but it does catalyze the process a little better. It's nearly impossible for a manager to look at an employee who's volunteering at a company-sponsored nonprofit and dock them somehow—but then, it should be a part of the culture to the extent that managers don't react negatively to it in the first place.   

One reason why Buffer employees may not be using the program that much yet could be because in previous companies, it was essentially discouraged. To some extent, employee volunteer programs pose a greater challenge with remote teams, because they don't have the physical office location. Most volunteer organizations focus on a particular city or region. If workers are all over the world, you don't have that shared element.

Here are a few ways to promote volunteering in a company with a remote workforce:

  • Assign a buddy to make intros to volunteer opportunities in person and kick things off. This should get easier as a distributed company grows, because they'll eventually have more than one person in the same metro.
  • Get the company involved with a non-profit that has a presence nationwide or worldwide. Social Venture Partners has 40 chapters worldwide, many of which run similar programs. The Seattle instance of SVP Fast Pitch is the biggest of that program in the world, but they do run it in other places.

The Cone Study found that 73% of employees wish their companies would do more to support a social or environmental cause or issue, and that employees involved in company cause programs are 28% more likely to be proud of their company’s values. Given all these benefits, I'm hopeful that more remote teams will adopt organized volunteering programs and give their staff members an opportunity to contribute to the community.

Friday Links: Reinventing, Asking Questions, Being Agile

by Nina Post

Talking to Yourself (Out Loud) Can Help You Learn

"To help him outperform his younger colleagues, Ross asked himself lots of questions. He would constantly query himself as he read through the assigned texts. After each paragraph, after each sentence, he would ask himself: “What did I just read? How does that fit together? Have I come across this idea before?”"

My husband likes to talk things out for more complicated tasks (he kind of mutters through it), and we find it's really helpful to learn something then explain what we learned right away. Trying to articulate what you just learned and answering questions about it gives you a deeper understanding of it. Here are some of my tips for metacognitive competency.

Guidelines for a pitch practice meetup

In my most recent post, I talked about how get more practice with public speaking. Here's an interview with the guy who started a pitch practice meetup in Atlanta - there are some good details about guidelines and how it's organized.

Doing Agile and Being Agile

"But the wider point is that agile is not just a process, it defines a culture. This is what agile practitioner Michael Sahota described as the difference between doing agile and being agile. It’s the difference between practices and mindset."

Creative Careers Demand Reinvention

"Inventing and re-inventing. Making it work. I always remember something the rapper Ice Cube told me: “Ain’t nobody givin’ up no ass.”

The Secret to Powerful Goal Setting

"Crystal clear goal setting can be really powerful—it’s the type of goal setting that gets you out of bed in the morning and keeps you motivated… for the entire year."

The Subtle Art of Living a Good Life: A Conversation with Jonathan Fields and Mark Manson

“A good life isn’t a place that you can mentally get to and then you’re good. It’s a practice. It’s a daily practice, and it builds over weeks and months and years.” Long, but well worth the read.

What You Should Do As Soon As Your Facebook Live Broadcast Ends

"There’s a lot more you can do to squeeze some extra mileage out of your video after the camera turns off.

What can you do to make your live broadcasts as valuable as possible after they end?"

The Germaphobe’s Guide to Airplane Travel

I do all these things: I always wipe down the tray table, everything around me, and everything they hand me with sanitizing wipes. I use a paper towel to touch anything in the bathroom, and would never ever take one of the blankets. Anyone gets too close, I spray them with Lysol.

Have a great weekend!  

3 Ways to Practice Your Public Speaking

by Nina Post

Sometimes I hang out and answer questions over at, and one of the skills I have listed in my profile is speaking. I've done enough public speaking that it was reflexive to include it, but I'll admit that I'm out of practice.

When you don't get public speaking practice in between speaking events, it makes it much harder to be comfortable with those events. And what do you say to yourself every time? "I really have to get some practice."

And when you're an entrepreneur, you're constantly pitching to some audience, either one-on-one or to a group, like a pitch competition or a demo day. You need frequent practice, and what's offered isn't enough.

So whether you're an entrepreneur or just want to get more facile with public speaking, you need consistent, weekly practice in between events. But how do you get that?

1) The first thing to remember is that you don't need to be someone else, and you don't "conquer" your fear. You manage it and get enough practice that you can work through it.

When you're at a pitch competition or any other event where you're speaking, it can feel like you're addressing coyotesthat want to devour you. You think that everyone in the audience hates your guts, couldn't care less about you or your company, and can't wait until you get out of their sight—especially next to the extrovert, who may as well be David Copperfield or Tony Robbins for their ability to bewitch the audience. Or at least it feels that way.

But you don't have to be like them. All you need to be is capable, and make sure people can hear and understand you. The rest will come in time -- if you practice. 

2) Look for any opportunity in your area: pitch competitions, local co-working spaces, and Toastmasters.

If you're participating in a pitch or business plan competition, you should ask if there any opportunities to get feedback on your pitch in a non-competitive environment.

Check co-working spaces in your area. You don't necessarily need a full membership—you might need only a one-day-a-week pass, or a pass for a few days a month. There are a lot of different variations, so see if the ones near you offer non-competitive practice sessions.

Galvanize has the Pitchers & Pitches competition, but I've never seen anything in local co-working spaces that mentions smaller, non-competitive pitch practice with peers. (I thought about starting one myself.)

Another option is Toastmasters, but it costs money to be a member, and there probably aren't many other entrepreneurs in the group. Plus, the locations tend to be... not ideal. But if you're so inclined, you could see where and when local public groups hold meetings, and go check one out. There's no charge for sitting in to see if it's right for you.

4) Your best bet for getting pitch practice is to contact a few other founders you're friends with or know of and see if they're interested in starting a pitch practice group. Competitions aren't frequent enough to get the kind of practice you need to become more facile at public speaking.

If you're not an entrepreneur, you could still try this option. I can tell you that there are very few good options in Seattle, and that smaller pitch practice meetups (or any smaller public speaking meetups) are desperately needed. I'm sure that's the case by you, too.

You could meet at someone's house each time, or in a reserved room at a co-working space. You can build connections with other founders and get much-needed practice with going through your slides and pitch. You could also put up a flyer at co-working spaces and university business schools to promote your pitch meetup to find more interested people.

Each public speaking opportunity helps you refine what you're saying. With enough practice, you no longer worry if you can do it—it just becomes a matter of how well you're going to do. You can't guarantee you'll do an awesome job, but you know you'll do a decent job. You get comfortable with your baseline, and that's a great asset to bring with you to future pitches.

The important thing is to take action and practice. If you can't find enough opportunities to get public speaking / pitch practice, create one—and help some other people in a similar situation.

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The Most Effective Strategies for Creative Incubation and Divergent Thinking

by Nina Post

As a company founder, most of the problems you deal with will be divergent problems, which are problems that have no single unique solution but a lot of potential solutions.

And before you say anything, I know that most of the problems you encounter can be classified as a shit-storm, shit-cyclone, or shit-nado, and that "a lot of potential solutions" means scrambling to find the best shit-blocking umbrella in the least amount of time.

In any case, you're always in a time crunch, and don't have a lot of time for protracted creative problem solving. Recent studies on Divergent Thinking and Immediate vs. Delayed Incubation will clear up the role of unconscious thought and task interpolation so you can get a better idea of what's effective for a creative problem-solving incubation period.

Divergent vs Immediate Incubation

There are two incubation paradigms in the incubation stage of the creative process. This process, according to Graham Wallas, has four stages: Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, and Verification.

With Delayed Incubation, you work on the problem, go do an undemanding and dissimilar task, and return to the problem for a post-incubation work time.

With Immediate Incubation, you get information on the problem, delay conscious work on it (possibly because you're too busy having a moderate panic attack)—and do an unrelated task immediately after the main problem, before returning to the problem for uninterrupted work.

Meta-analyses and recent studies reveal that incubation periods, whether delayed or immediate, do have beneficial effects. Delayed Incubation resulted in better decisions than Immediate Incubation, but both types are beneficial relative to no incubation period.

One way to optimize the Delayed Incubation period is to break away for an undemanding task, like cleaning or showering. One meta-analysis showed that the benefits are greater for an undemanding task compared to a demanding task or no task at all.  

Unconscious Work

With Delayed Incubation, “beneficial forgetting” facilitates fresh starts—AKA “set shifting”—when you take up the problem again. As you look for the solution to a problem, you might lead yourself down misleading or incorrect paths. Set shifting weakens those paths.

The good news is that Immediate Incubation, though it doesn't allow time for sets to get established, does permit some unconscious work.

There's also support for an even more expedited problem solving process.

The Fresh Look Hypothesis

The Fresh Look hypothesis is a variant of the Beneficial Forgetting approach, and supports the role of attentional shifting in Delayed Incubation. The study indicates that simply removing attention from the target task is sufficient, and that the length of the incubation period or tasks performed during that period isn't important.  

Incubation Options

You have a few options when it comes to the incubation period of the creative problem solving process. When you get information about a problem, you can (1) sit with the problem for a while, then go do an undemanding and dissimilar task before coming back to it.

Or you can (2) do an undemanding and dissimilar task immediately then return to the problem (yay). And if you're really pressed for time, (3) just shift your attention to something else and then come back to the problem. Ideally, you'd do the first one: work on the problem for a bit, then go do an undemanding and dissimilar task before returning to the "three-ring shit show" that is your life at the moment.

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Are You Making These Mistakes When Adding People to Your Newsletter?

by Nina Post

Say you meet a startup founder at a networking event. A couple of weeks later, you start getting their email newsletter.

Hold up... you never signed up for that list.

The issue isn't limited to small companies. I see this with companies of all sizes, and with individuals. Unfortunately, it's a very common problem. Some people add everyone they meet to their list, with no permission or opt-in. It's shitty and unethical, and isn't doing your personal brand any favors.

It sucks that this is such a widespread thing, but this is especially important for startups because when someone starts getting emails from a new startup, it's pretty obvious who added you and when.

So, if you're doing this, please stop.

Here's what you can do instead:

1) Don't add anyone to your list UNLESS you explicitly asked for permission to add them to your email list—AND if they granted you permission to their inbox (saying, for example, "Sure, add me to your list.") Otherwise, you are a surprise, and not welcome.

Not only does it make you look bad, and dangerously ignorant, but you could get into trouble with your email service provider, and as a startup founder, you can't afford that, in either time or money. Enough ridiculous crap that's completely out of your control comes your way. Don't invite it with something you can control.

2) If you get a verbal consent, then the next step, at a minimum, should be to send a standard double opt-in email so the recipient at least has to click a link to confirm they want to be on the list.

3) Create a short template for an email you can send to someone you'd like to be on your list. This email includes a brief, polite note that makes mention of where you met, along with a sign-up link.

It could say, "I enjoyed meeting you at the Archie McPhee University Business Plan Competition Honoring David Lynch, and thought you might be interested in keeping up with the company's latest updates in our newsletter. I send it out every month, and you can always unsubscribe. Just click the link below to join."  

It's also a good idea to give people more than one way to connect with you, so you could add something like, "Or if newsletters aren't your style, it'd be great to connect on LinkedIn or Twitter."

Then when someone does sign up, they get an opt-in email where they confirm that yes, they do want to join this list. And they get their confirmation email telling them that they're all signed up for your list. Everyone feels good about it.

The alternative: this person sees you at another event, thinks, 'Oh, there's the asshole who signed me up for their email list without asking,' and avoids you and doesn't want to hear about your company anymore. That's not the worst that can happen, either.

Don't be a dum-dum. Always get permission.

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